Look who we met today in Kilteevan-Garden Tiger Moth Arctica caja).

We continue to learn about our AMAZING BIODIVERSITY and feel we should share our learning.
This fascinating, brightly coloured moth normally hides its hindwings under the forewings when resting. We were lucky to get a shot with wings open.
It is a common night flying moth, on the wing in July and August.
The conspicuous patterns and colours on its wings serve as a warning to predators because the moth's body fluids are poisonous. They can also make a rasping noise with their wings to ward off predators.
Larvae feed on herbaceous plants including nettles, dock and various garden plants. Please note the importance of nettles and dock.
The caterpillars sometimes called “woolly bears” are especially fond of raspberry, blackberry, viburnum, honeysuckle and broom.
Kilteevan Tidy Tows is committed to protecting biodiversity .