Queen Luna's Plea- Kilteevan NS Pupils Compose a Poem for Lilliput Way
Queen Luna’s Plea
While Kilteevan folks are fast asleep,
At Lilliput Headquarters the Green Fairies meet.
An elusive, magical, mystical troop,
We care about the future of our Loop.
You folks sure are an interesting race,
Welcome to visit this treasured place.
We invite you to sit on this brand new seat,
Recycled from two thousand plastic bottles – no mean feat!
Queen Luna of the Loop, our magnificent leader,
At every Full Moon Meeting a passionate speaker.
Protecting the Loop is our Number 1 mission,
A thriving environment is our ambition.
Kilteevan bog formed 10,000 years ago,
With fairy dust sprinkled to help the heathers grow.
A buzzing habitat for precious pollinators,
Let us unite to look after dear Mother Nature.
Fairies and humans live side by side,
We share our Loop with joy and pride.
Let us work together to preserve its beauty,
Remember… while you folks sleep, the fairies are on duty!
By the Pupils of Kilteevan National School/Junior Tidy Towns to celebrate the official opening of Lilliput Way Fairy Trail on the Cloonlarge Loop Kilteevan
Below Queen Luna's Plea handscrolled on Lilliput Way
18 December 2020